Epoch Performance

Increasing the Human Potential

My Lumina Spark

Lunina leader graphic

Lumina Leader

What is it for?

Lumina Leader increases participants’ awareness of their own unique leadership style and shows them how to lead naturally and with authenticity. It is focused on four balanced domains of leadership: Leading with Drive, Leading to Deliver, Leading through People and Leading with Vision. Peer feedback with the optional Lumina Leader 360 review gives leaders the opportunity to see themselves through others’ eyes and observe the real impact of their leadership style.

People can be leaders in title but not display the attributes of leadership. According to Best Practice Biz, a lack of leadership capabilities cost U.S. Companies $550 Billion a year and/or 7% of their total annual sales. At the same time, these are challenging times for leadership. Leaders face mounting demands, a high-pressure working life and exposure to multiple stakeholder groups with wide-ranging needs.

Lumina Leader provides leaders with information that is hard to get elsewhere. It reveals an accurate view of their unique leadership style. It also points to blockers and blind spots and recommends ways to avoid them. Lumina Leader increases self-awareness, decision making capability and confidence to lead others in times of increased competition and ambiguity.

Lumina Leader Portrait - Sample

Lumina Leader 360 Portrait - Sample

Lumina Leader Fact Sheet

Lumina Leader Case Study